Adventure #5: A Weekend in Algonquin with the Boys Exploring Ralph Bice Lake
Having heard all about my past canoe tripping experiences, my brother and dad became interested in joining me on my most recent trip into Algonquin Park. The two had wanted to get into canoe tripping years ago and kept putting it off, only becoming interested in the idea again after hearing about my many adventures. Thus, we decided to plan a weekend to go together, along with my good friend Michelle . After a week or so of planning, my dad, brother, and I set out on Saturday, July 6, leaving around 8am. We had loaded up my brother's and my canoe, along with my dad's kayak, and headed on our way, but had to stop several times, touring various Canadian Tire stores along the way, in hopes of finding isobutane canisters for my stove. We weren't entirely sure we would have enough fuel in the canister I already had and wanted a backup just in case. It took us stopping at 4 different places before we finally found one! Once we had found the fuel, we finished our journey to Algo...